The Unit's wildflower meadow is blooming. The flowers are attracting a large number of bees and other insects. The teazles are coming into flower, as the floxgloves are finishing.
The wildflower meadow has for the second year its star performer in flower again: a Common Spotted Orchid, Dactylorhiza fuchsii. Our flower is at the paler end of the spectrum for this species, with white flowers and pink patterns on the labella.
This is joined for the first time by another flowering orchid, a Southern Marsh Orchid, Dactylorhiza praetermissa. This has lilac-coloured flowers, with a paler centre part of the labella with small purple spots.
With the White Helleborine, Cephalanthera damasonium, that flowered in 2012, this makes three orchid species that have flowered in our modestly-sized meadow.
If you wish to view the orchids, please take care not to trample the other plants.