Members of the Unit contributed to the FENS Forum 2014 held in Milan, Italy.
Dr. Peter Magill presented a symposium lecture, entitled "Functional dichotomy in the striatal-pallidal axis".
Posters given by Unit members at the Forum include:
Bazelot, M., Bocchio, M., Fischer, D., Ferraguti, F., Capogna, M. (2014) Hippocampal theta mediates disinhibition of mouse amygdala principal cells via GABAB receptors.
Bocchio, M. & Capogna, M. (2014) Serotonin switches the firing mode of nitric oxide-expressing neurons of the mouse lateral amygdala.
Gridchyn, I., Dupret, D. & Csicsvari, J. (2014) Hidden Markov model for the decoding of spatial features.
Huerta-Ocampo, I. & Bolam, J.P. (2014) Quantitative analysis of the corticostriatal and thalamostriatal systems in the z-Q175 mouse model of Huntington’s disease.
Mena-Segovia, J., Dautan, D., Huerta-Ocampo, I., Witten, I.B., Deisseroth, K., Gerdjikov, T. & Bolam, J.P. (2014) Cholinergic neurons in the brainstem topographically innervate and differentially modulate neurons of the striatum and nucleus accumbens.
Katona, L., Lapray, D., Viney,T.J., Oulhaj, A., Borhegyi, Z., Micklem, B.R., Klausberger, T. & Somogyi, P. (2014) Sleep and movement differentiate hippocampal network operations of two types of somatostatin-expressing GABAergic interneuron.
McNamara, C., Campo-Urriza, N. & Dupret, D. (2014) Sleep reactivation of hippocampal cell assemblies in mice.