This is an historical archive of the activities of the MRC Anatomical Neuropharmacology Unit (MRC ANU) that operated at the University of Oxford from 1985 until March 2015. The MRC ANU established a reputation for world-leading research on the brain, for training new generations of scientists, and for engaging the general public in neuroscience. The successes of the MRC ANU are now built upon at the MRC Brain Network Dynamics Unit at the University of Oxford.

Welcome back Silvia!

Silvia Willadt has joined Marco Capogna's lab supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation. Her project aims to identify the cellular and molecular changes induced after fear conditioning extinction in identified GABAergic cells of the rodent amygdala. Silvia, who originally is from Freiburg, Germany, awarded her PhD at the Biozentrum, University of Basel, Switzerland, under the supervision Prof. Kaspar Vogt. During her PhD, Silvia characterised the spatial distribution of inhibitory synaptic potentials recorded from the dendrites of CA1 pyramidal cells by using voltage imaging.