This is an historical archive of the activities of the MRC Anatomical Neuropharmacology Unit (MRC ANU) that operated at the University of Oxford from 1985 until March 2015. The MRC ANU established a reputation for world-leading research on the brain, for training new generations of scientists, and for engaging the general public in neuroscience. The successes of the MRC ANU are now built upon at the MRC Brain Network Dynamics Unit at the University of Oxford.

Welcome Eszter Kormann

We are pleased to welcome Eszter Kormann to the Unit.  Eszter has joined Professor Peter Somogyi’s lab on a short term appointment as a Research Technician.  She graduated from Eötvös Loránd University with a Psychology BA in 2013. 

She has gained teaching experience and has worked as an assistant lecturer and research assistant at the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience & Psychology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.  Her projects involved psychophysiological tests on human subject, EEG and ECG analyses.

From October she will commence her M.Sc course in Neuroscience at the University of Oxford.