J. Histochem. Cytochem. 1985;33(3):249-57.
Antisera to gamma-aminobutyric acid. III. Demonstration of GABA in Golgi-impregnated neurons and in conventional electron microscopic sections of cat striate cortex.
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Two methods are described for the immunocytochemical demonstration of immunoreactive gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the visual cortex of the cat, an area that contains several types of GABAergic neurons and requires combined methods for their characterization. The first method is illustrated by a representative example of a Golgi-impregnated and gold-toned interneuron of the "bitufted" type situated in layer VI and having an ascending axon. After recording the three-dimensional features of the cell, semithin (0.5 micron) sections of the perikaryon were cut and GABA was demonstrated in the cell body by the unlabeled antibody enzyme method. While immunocytochemistry was used to determine the probable transmitter of the neuron, Golgi-impregnation of the same cell was used to identify its neuronal type. Since aldehyde-osmium fixation was used, further electron microscopic (EM) analysis of the neuron's synaptic connections was possible. The second procedure demonstrated GABA in EM sections of aldehyde-osmium-fixed cortex using protein A-gold as an immunocytochemical marker. Immunoreactivity was found in certain neurons, dendrites, axons, and boutons forming type II synaptic contacts that from previous studies have been thought to be GABAergic. Thus ultrastructural analysis using optimal conditions can now be supplemented with the identification of the transmitter in the same section.