This is an historical archive of the activities of the MRC Anatomical Neuropharmacology Unit (MRC ANU) that operated at the University of Oxford from 1985 until March 2015. The MRC ANU established a reputation for world-leading research on the brain, for training new generations of scientists, and for engaging the general public in neuroscience. The successes of the MRC ANU are now built upon at the MRC Brain Network Dynamics Unit at the University of Oxford.

Cell type and pathway dependence of synaptic AMPA receptor number and variability in the hippocampus.

Neuron 1998;21(3):545-59.

Cell type and pathway dependence of synaptic AMPA receptor number and variability in the hippocampus.

Nusser Z, Lujan R, Laube G, Roberts JD, Molnar E, Somogyi P
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It has been suggested that some glutamatergic synapses lack functional AMPA receptors. We used quantitative immunogold localization to determine the number and variability of synaptic AMPA receptors in the rat hippocampus. Three classes of synapses show distinct patterns of AMPA receptor content. Mossy fiber synapses on CA3 pyramidal spines and synapses on GABAergic interneurons are all immunopositive, have less variability, and contain 4 times as many AMPA receptors as synapses made by Schaffer collaterals on CA1 pyramidal spines and by commissural/ associational (C/A) terminals on CA3 pyramidal spines. Up to 17% of synapses in the latter two connections are immunonegative. After calibrating the immunosignal (1 gold = 2.3 functional receptors) at mossy synapses of a 17-day-old rat, we estimate that the AMPA receptor content of C/A synapses on CA3 pyramidal spines ranges from <3 to 140. A similar range is found in adult Schaffer collateral and C/A synapses.