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Membrane topology of the GluR1 glutamate receptor subunit: epitope mapping by site-directed antipeptide antibodies. J Neurochem. 1994;63(2):683-93. MolnarJNeurochem1994.pdf (1.92 MB)
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Convergent synaptic input from the neostriatum and the subthalamus onto identified nigrothalamic neurons in the rat. Eur J Neurosci. 1994;6(3):320-34.
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Neurons expressing 5-HT2 receptors in the rat brain: neurochemical identification of cell types by immunocytochemistry. Neuropsychopharmacology. 1994;11(3):157-66. morilak1994neuropsychopharm.pdf (11.88 MB)
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Basket-like interneurones in layer II of the entorhinal cortex exhibit a powerful NMDA-mediated synaptic excitation. Neurosci Lett. 1993;149(1):35-9.
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Form, function, and intracortical projections of neurons in the striate cortex of the monkey Macacus nemestrinus. Cereb Cortex. 1993;3(5):412-20.
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Purification and partial sequencing of myristoyl-CoA:protein N-myristoyltransferase from bovine brain. Biochem J. 1993;290 ( Pt 2):405-10.
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Monosynaptic innervation of trigeminal motor neurones involved in mastication by neurones of the parvicellular reticular formation. J Comp Neurol. 1993;336(1):53-65.
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Characterization of calretinin-immunoreactive structures in the striatum of the rat. Brain Res. 1993;609(1-2):137-48.
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Two populations of calbindin D28k-immunoreactive neurones in the striatum of the rat. Brain Res. 1993;610(2):305-10.
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Inhibition of varicella-zoster virus replication by an inhibitor of protein myristoylation. J Gen Virol. 1993;74 ( Pt 6):1181-4.
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Ultrastructure and synaptic targets of the raphe-nigral projection in the rat. Neuroscience. 1993;55(2):417-27.
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The neurobiology of primate vision. Baillieres Clin Neurol. 1993;2(2):191-225.
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Distribution of GABAergic synapses and their targets in the dentate gyrus of rat: a quantitative immunoelectron microscopic analysis. J Hirnforsch. 1993;34(3):299-308. halasy1993jhirnforsch.pdf (5.73 MB)
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Subdivisions in the multiple GABAergic innervation of granule cells in the dentate gyrus of the rat hippocampus. Eur J Neurosci. 1993;5(5):411-29. halasy1993ejn.pdf (22.99 MB)
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Inhibition of varicella-zoster virus replication by an inhibitor of protein myristoylation. J Gen Virol. 1993;74 ( Pt 6):1181-4.
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